Our Champions
Jaeva Best Kept Secret
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Lithuania
Champion Germany VDH
Champion Germany KFT
Champion Croatia
Champion Belgium
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Junior champion Romania
Wielenshoeve Little Miss Sunshine
International Champion
International Veteran Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Grand Champion The Netherlands
Champion Croatia
Champion Romania
Champion Denmark
Veteran Champion The Netherlands
Veteran Champion Germany KFT
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Fine Words With Jaeva
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Belgium
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Luxembourg
Junior champion Croatia
Junior champion Germany VDH
Rocka Billy To Jaeva
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Luxembourg
Champion Lithuania
Champion Benelux
Junior champion The Netherlands
Wielenshoeve Nashville
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Grand Champion Montenegro
Champion Germany KFT
Champion Montenegro
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Hungary
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Junior champion Belgium
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Benelux
Wielenshoeve Resident Evil
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Germany VDH
Champion Germany KFT
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Hungary
Champion Montenegro
Champion Slovenia
Grand Champion Montenegro
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Slovenia
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Wielenshoeve Ready To Rumble
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Germany VDH
Champion Germany KFT
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Hungary
Champion Montenegro
Champion Slovenia
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Slovenia
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Wielenshoeve One Perfect Day
International Champion
Champion Germany VDH
Champion Germany KFT
Champion the Netherlands
Champion Slovenia
Champion Romania
Champion Romania Cum Laudae
Champion Bosnia And Herzegovina
Grand Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Champion Slovenia
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Baby Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Baby Champion Montenegro
Wielenshoeve Rumour Has It
Champion Of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Of Montenegro
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Germany KFT
Wielenshoeve Sugar and Spice
International Junior Champion
Junior Champion Germany KFT
Junior Champion Germany VDH
Junior Champion Hungary
Puppy champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Puppy champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Puppy champion Of Montenegro
Grand Puppy champion of Montenegro
Puppy champion of The NATO
Puppy champion Yougoslavia
Puppy champion of the Adriatic
Puppy champion of the Mediterranean
Puppy champion of the Balkan
Jaeva Royal Mint
International Champion
Champion The Netherlands
Champion Germany VDH
Champion Germany KFT
Champion Slovenia
Grand Champion Montenegro
Champion Montenegro
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Hungary
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion Of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Luxembourg
Junior champion Benelux
Jaeva Minted
International Champion
Champion Romania
Champion Romania Cum Laudae
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Slovenia
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion KFT
Jaeva Mint Rock
Champion Slovenia
Champion Romania
Champion Romania Cum Laudae
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Junior champion Slovenia
Wielenshoeve Time To Dance
International Junior Champion
Wielenshoeve Toy Story
Junior Champion Germany KFT
Junior champion Romania
Junior champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Junior champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Junior champion Croatia
Wielenshoeve Meaning Of Life
Champion Montenegro
Champion Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion Hungary
Champion Fed. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of The NATO
Champion Yougoslavia
Champion of the Adriatic
Champion of the Mediterranean
Champion of the Balkan
Wielenshoeve Let It Be
Champion Croatia
Junior champion Romania
Wielenshoeve Million Dollar Baby
Junior champion The Netherlands
Junior champion Belgium
Junior champion Germany VDH
Junior champion Lithuania
Wielenshoeve Only You
Champion Slovenia
Wielenshoeve For Your Eyes Only
Junior champion The Netherlands